Mixed Media
Paper, postcard, burlap, glove, bracelet, cookie cutter, snails, seaweed, nylon, sponge. 2017.
Detail, Debris
Grandfather Clock
Burlap, chicken wire, string. 36”x15”. 2016.
Marriage Bed
Wood thresher, wire, beads, lights, gels. 2016.
The Outdoors is a Dangerous Place (for Girls)
Fabric, chicken wire, photographs, safety glass, birch bark. 2018.
Detail, The Outdoors is a Danger Place
Beautiful Dreamer (Park View Hotel, 1948)
Wrapping paper, newspaper, postcards, transparencies, thermometer, pastels. 25” x 13”. 2019.
Details, Beautiful Dreamer
Pat the Bunny, Fall
Postcard, box frame, plastic figure, Monopoly dog, beads, boa, tassel. 7”x12”. 2017.
Detail, Pat the Bunny.
Pat the Bunny, Spring
Box frame, postcard, metal figure, plastic bunny, flowers, beads, fabric, earring. 7”x12”. 2017.
Detail, Pat the Bunny, Spring.
Fabric, thread, postcard, girly magazine pages, razors, mirror glass. 18”x16”. 2020.
Detail, Hirsute
What is a Girl
Hospital publication, slides, glitter, lights, acrylic paint. 9”x11”. 1999.
Still Life with Lemons
Paper. 16”x23”. 2005.
Cosses I
Drawer liner paper, advertisement, paper dolls, transparencies, chain, rhinestone cross. 28”x17”. 2021.
Cosses II
Wood, girly magazine centerfold, fake nose, mask, top bucker & mop, metal charm, wooden cross, soap box, mop handle. 33”x18”. 2021.